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Full Description

ADOPTED_FROM:EN ISO 11643:2009 ISO 11643:2009 specifies a method for determining the resistance to solvent solutions of the colour and finish of unused, and not yet cleaned, leather. It does not cover composite materials or complete leather garments. It is not intended to be used to give any guidance on the process to be employed for cleaning garments. During the test, the colour of the leather can change and the adjacent fabric used can become stained. Additionally, the finish of the leather can be damaged. The presence of absorbed water in the leather, adjacent fabric or solvent has not been found to be a critical factor in assessing the colour fastness.

Document History

  1. NS-EN ISO 11643:2009

    👀 currently

    Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness of small samples to solvents (ISO 11643:2009)

    • Most Recent
  2. NS-EN ISO 11643:1998

    Leather — Tests for colour fastness — Colour fastness of small samples to dry-cleaning solutions (ISO 11643:1993)

    • Historical Version