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ASHRAE Research Project 472 studied the dynamic cooling load response of 200,640 parametric zones to heat gain, with the aim of providing weighting factors for simplified cooling load calculation methodologies. As reported in a companion paper (Sowell 1988a), the DOE-2.1C program was used to determine weighting factors for all 200,640 parametric zones. Also computed for each zone were the amplitude and delay for a 24-hour sinusoidal heat gain~ This paper describes how the amplitude and delay information provided a simple characterization of zone dynamic response that was used as a basis for classification, aimed at compression of the results into tables of manageable size. Using software developed in the project, zones exhibiting similar amplitude and delay were grouped together to define "zone type groups," with a single representative zone for each group. The weighting factors for the representative zone are recommended for any zone included in the group. The grouping process was performed separately for 12 zone classes, representing single, perimeter, and interior zones located on the top, bottom, or mid-floors of multistory buildings or in single-story buildings and was carried out for solar, conduction, lighting and occupant/equipment heat gain components. The results comprise a set of tables that allow look-up of appropriate weighting factors for any combination of zone design parameters. Examples of these results for two zone classes are included in the paper, while the entire set of tables are presented in the final report and are available in machinereadable form.

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