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About This Item


Full Description

The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements for the siting, design, construction, and plan for operation of high-performance green buildings to (a) balance environmental responsibility, resource efficiency, occupant comfort and well being, and community sensitivity, and (b) support the goal of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

This standard provides minimum criteria that:
a. apply to the following elements of building projects:
1. new buildings and their systems
2. new portions of buildings and their systems
3. new systems and equipment in existing buildings
b. address site sustainability, water use efficiency, energy
efficiency, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and the
building's impact on the atmosphere, materials, and

The provisions of this standard do not apply to single-family houses, multi-family structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes) and manufactured houses (modular), or buildings that use none of the following: electricity, fossil fuel, or water.  This standard is a compliance option of the International Green Construction CodeTM (IgCCTM).

Keywords: sustainable, green, energy, indoor environmental quality, IEQ, green standard, green building, 189.1, 189, high performance building, high-performance building, LEED, TC 2.8, IES, USGBC, IGCC


Document History

  1. ASHRAE/ICC/USGBC/IES 189.1-2023

    Standard 189.1-2023 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI Approved; ICC, USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Most Recent
  2. ASHRAE 189.1-2020

    USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  3. ASHRAE 189.1-2017

    Standard 189.1-2017 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI Approved; ICC, USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  4. ASHRAE 189.1-2014

    Standard 189.1-2014 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  5. ASHRAE 189.1-2011

    👀 currently

    Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  6. ASHRAE 189.1-2009

    Standard 189.1-2009 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version

Amendments, rulings, supplements, and errata

  1. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (September 5, 2013)


    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

  2. ASHRAE IC 189.1-2011-1


    Interpretation IC189.1-2011-1 to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

  3. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Supplement 2013


    2013 Supplement to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored), contains Addenda a,c,d,e,f,h,j,k,l,n,q,s,t,x,y,aa,ab, and ac