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Full Description


For the purpose of providing compatible authentication, authorization, and cryptographic key agreement mechanisms to support secure communication between devices connected by IEEE 802® Local Area Networks (LANs), this standard a) Specifies a general method for provision of port-based network access control. b) Specifies protocols that establish secure associations for IEEE Std 802.1AE(TM) MAC Security. c) Facilitates the use of industry standard authentication and authorization protocols.


IEEE 802 LANs are deployed in networks that convey or provide access to critical data, that support mission critical applications, or that charge for service. Protocols that configure, manage, and regulate access to these networks and network-based services and applications typically run over the networks themselves. Port-based network access control regulates access to the network, guarding against transmission and reception by unidentified or unauthorized parties, and consequent network disruption, theft of service, or data loss.


Adoption Standard - Active. Port-based network access control allows a network administrator to restrict the use of IEEE 802(R) LAN service access points (ports) to secure communication between authenticated and authorized devices. This standard specifies a common architecture, functional elements, and protocols that support mutual authentication between the clients of ports attached to the same LAN and that secure communication between the ports, including the media access method independent protocols that are used to discover and establish the security associations used by IEEE 802.1AE(TM) MAC Security.

Document History

  1. IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1X-2021

    IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard-Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems--Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks--Part 1X:Port-based network access control

    • Most Recent
  2. IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1X:2013/Amd. 2

    ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 1X: Port-based network access control - Amendment 2: YANG data model

    • Historical Version
  3. IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1X:2013/Amd. 1

    ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 1X: Port-based network access control AMENDMENT 1: MAC security key agreement protocol (MKA) extensions

    • Historical Version
  4. IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1X-2013

    👀 currently

    IEEE/ISO/IEC Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Local and metropolitan area networks -- Part 1X: Port-based network access control

    • Historical Version

Amendments, rulings, supplements, and errata

  1. IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1X:2013/Amd. 2

    ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 1X: Port-based network access control - Amendment 2: YANG data model

  2. IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1X:2013/Amd. 1

    ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 1X: Port-based network access control AMENDMENT 1: MAC security key agreement protocol (MKA) extensions