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This paper reports pressure drops during condensation for R-22, R-134a, R-410a, and R-407c in three enhanced tubes and one smooth tube. The test tubes were a 3/8 inch outer diameter smooth tube, a 3/8 inch outer diameter microfin tube, a 5/16 inch outer diameter microfin tube, and a 5/8 inch outer diameter microfin tube. Pressure drops are reported at four mass fluxes, at two saturation temperatures, and over a range of average qualities in the test tubes. The pressure drops for R-410a were approximately 40% lower than those of R-22 in both tubes. R-407c had 10% to 20% lower pressure drops than R-22, while R-134a had slightly larger pressure drops than R-22. The microfin tube pressure drops were, on average, 40% to 80% higher than those for the smooth tube for all refrigerants. The pressure drop penalty of the microfin tube was shown to decrease with increased quality.