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Full Description

​Specifies requirements for building practice and for the selection, placement and fixing of the various structural elements used in the construction of timber-framed Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, as defined in the Building Code of Australia, for cyclonic areas.

Document History

  1. AS 1684.3:2021

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

    • Most Recent
  2. AS 1684.3-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

    • Historical Version
  3. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 4-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  4. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 5-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  5. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 4-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  6. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 6-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C2 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  7. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 4-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  8. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 6-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  9. AS 1684.3 Supp 0-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas Supplement 0: General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  10. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 6-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  11. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 5-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  12. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 5-2010

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C3 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)

    • Historical Version
  13. AS 1684.3-2010 AMDT 1

    Residential timber-framed constructions, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

    • Historical Version
  14. AS 1684.3 SUPP 0-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  15. AS 1684.3-2006

    👀 currently

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

    • Historical Version
  16. AS 1684.2 SUPP 0-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 2: Non-cyclonic areas - General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2006)

    • Historical Version
  17. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 6-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  18. AS 1684.3-2006 AMDT 1

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

    • Historical Version
  19. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 4-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  20. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 5-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  21. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 4-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  22. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 6-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  23. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 4-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  24. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 6-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  25. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 5-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  26. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 5-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

    • Historical Version
  27. AS 1684.2 SUPP 0-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 2: Non-cyclonic areas - General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999)

    • Historical Version
  28. AS 1684.3-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas (SEE IMPORTANT NOTE)

    • Historical Version
  29. AS 1684.3 SUPP 0-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas - General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  30. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 5-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  31. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 4-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  32. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 6-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  33. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 4-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  34. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 6-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  35. AS 1684.3 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 3

    Residential timber framed-construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

    • Historical Version
  36. AS 1684.3 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 1

    Residential timber-framed construction - Non-cyclonic areas -Timber framinf span tables (CD-ROM)

    • Historical Version
  37. AS 1684.3 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 2

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  38. AS 1684.2 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 2

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 2: Non-cyclonic areas (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999)

    • Historical Version
  39. AS 1684.2 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 3

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 2: Non-cyclonic areas

    • Historical Version
  40. AS 1684.2 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 4

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 2: Non-cyclonic areas (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999)

    • Historical Version
  41. AS 1684.2 SUPPS-1999 AMDT 1

    Residential timber-framed construction - Non-cyclonic areas, Part 2: Timber framing span tables (CD-ROM)

    • Historical Version
  42. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 5-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  43. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 5-1999

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)

    • Historical Version
  44. AS 1684 SUPP 0-1992

    National Timber Framing Code, Supplement 0: General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684-1992)

    • Historical Version
  45. AS 1684 SUPP 12-1975

    Light timber framing span tables - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F11

    • Historical Version

Amendments, rulings, supplements, and errata

  1. AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 12-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 -Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8

  2. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 15-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  3. AS 1684.3 SUPP 0-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  4. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 6-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  5. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 13-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  6. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 10-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  7. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 3-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8(Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  8. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 6-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  9. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 3-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 - (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  10. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 8-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  11. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 8-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17(Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  12. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 10-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  13. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 9-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  14. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 2-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  15. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 11-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  16. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 5-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  17. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 14-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  18. AS 1684.3-2006 AMDT 1


    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas

  19. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 4-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  20. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 14-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  21. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 6-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  22. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 1-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  23. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 13-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  24. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 4-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  25. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 2-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  26. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 7-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  27. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 13-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  28. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 10-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5(Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  29. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 4-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  30. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 11-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  31. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 9-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction, Part 9: Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  32. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 12-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  33. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 15-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  34. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 2-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  35. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 8-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  36. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 3-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  37. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 1-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  38. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 1-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  39. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 7-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  40. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 14-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  41. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 9-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27(Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  42. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 5-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  43. AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 5-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C1 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  44. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 12-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  45. AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 11-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  46. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 15-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)

  47. AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 7-2006

    Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2006)