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Full Description

Specifies requirements, additional to those in AS 1418.1, covering top-running and underslung bridge cranes and gantry, semi-gantry, cantilever gantry and portal cranes as defined in AS 2549. Classification, load rating, design stability, mechanisms, performance, marking, access, clearances and inspection are specified. Appendices provide guidance on information to be supplied with enquiries, order or tender, and on statutory approval.

Document History

  1. AS 1418.3:2024

    Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 3: Bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes) and jib cranes

    • Most Recent
  2. AS 1418.3-1997

    Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 3: Bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes) and jib cranes

    • Historical Version
  3. AS 1418.3-1990

    👀 currently

    Cranes (including hoists and winches) (known as the SAA Crane Code) - Bridge, gantry and portal cranes (including container cranes)

    • Historical Version
  4. AS 1418.3-1986

    Cranes (including hoists and winches) known as the SAA Crane Code, Part 3: Bridge and gantry cranes

    • Historical Version
  5. AS 1418.3-1981

    Cranes (including hoists and winches) known as the SAA Crane Code, Part 3: Bridge and gantry cranes

    • Historical Version
  6. AS 1418.3-1977

    Rules for cranes (including hoists and winches) known as the SAA Crane Code, Part 3: Bridge and gantry cranes

    • Historical Version
  7. AS CB2-1960

    Rules for the design, construction, erection, testing, operation,maintenance and inspection of cranes and hoists (known as the SAA Craneand Hoist Code)

    • Historical Version
  8. AS CB2-1939

    Australian standard rules for the design, construction, erection, testing, operation, maintenance and inspection of cranes and hoists (known as the SAA Crane and Hoist Code)

    • Historical Version
  9. AS CB2-1938

    Australian standard rules for the design, construction, erection, testing, operation, maintenance and inspection of cranes and hoists (known as the SAA Crane and Hoist Code)

    • Historical Version