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This is only a partial list of the standards we provide. Not all publishers have viewable catalogs. If you don't see the publisher you need, you can search above, or contact Customer Service for assistance.

  • 3A - 3-A Sanitary Standards
    3-A SSI develops and maintains a comprehensive inventory of Sanitary Standards and Accepted Practices for dairy and food processing equipment and systems. They are also instrumental in advancing state-of-art hygienic equipment design to meet the rapidly changing needs of the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

  • 9000 - 9000 Store
    The 9000 Store, part of the Standards Stores, provides tools and training to assist organizations in achieving and maintaining certification to international standards from ISO, SAE, BSI, and others.

  • AA - Aluminum Association
    Aluminum Association standards are used throughout all facets of aluminum commerce, as well as in other organizations' codes and standards. Aluminum alloy and temper designations, chemical composition limits and registered properties in North America are developed under approval of ANSI Accredited Standards Committee H35 - Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Aluminum Association (AA) standards are promulgated by the Technical Committee on Product Standards (TCPS).

  • AAMI - Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
    AAMI is the primary source of consensus standards, both national and international, for the medical device industry, as well as practical information, support, and guidance for healthcare technology and sterilization professionals.

  • AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
    AASHTO is a leading source of technical information on design, construction and maintenance of highways and other transportation facilities, including aviation, highways, public transit, rail, and water.

  • AATCC - American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
    Founded as the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), the Association continues to evolve to meet the needs of those in the ever-changing textile and materials industries. AATCC is internationally recognized for its standard methods of testing fibers and fabrics to measure and evaluate such performance characteristics as colorfastness, appearance, soil release, dimensional change, and water resistance.

  • ABCB - Australian Building Codes Board

  • ABMA - American Bearing Manufacturers Association
    ABMA's mission is to provide leadership, advocacy and education with a focus on membership value, industry outreach and issues impacting the global bearing industry.

  • ABMA-Boiler - American Boiler Manufacturers Association
    ABMA represents companies worldwide that design and build fuel combustion systems. Members include manufacturers of commercial/institutional, industrial and power-generating boilers, makers of related fuel-burning equipment, users of boiler and boiler-related equipment, and industry suppliers.

  • ACC - American Chemistry Council
    The American Chemistry Council America's oldest trade association of its kind, representing companies engaged in the business of chemistry-an innovative, $760 billion enterprise that is helping solve the biggest challenges facing our nation and the world.

  • ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
    For over 80 years, ACGIH has been respected for its dedication to the industrial hygiene and occupational and environmental health and safety communities. We have grown and expanded without losing sight of its original goal - to encourage the interchange of experience among industrial hygiene workers and to collect and make accessible such information and data as might be of aid to them in the proper fulfillment of their duties.

  • ACI - American Concrete Institute
    ACI functions as a technical and educational society for sharing innovative ideas and promoting superior concrete technology. The Institute publishes more than 400 technical standards, reports and manuals on testing, inspection, cracking and failure, building code requirements, and related topics.

  • ADA - American Dental Association
    Founded in 1859, the American Dental Association is the oldest and largest national dental society in the world. Since then, the ADA has grown to become the leading source of oral health related information for dentists and their patients.

  • ADS - SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited)
    SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards originate from the technical standards published by the UK's SBAC and ADS, SBAC's successor organization. They form a collection of some 4500 aerospace standards covering airframe and engine standard parts (AS, AGS & ESC), reference sheets (RS) and technical specifications (TS). The documents also complement the aerospace standards published by SAE International.

  • AEIC - Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
    Founded by Thomas Edison and his associates in 1885, AEIC is one of the oldest organizations in the electric energy industry. AEIC committees encourages research and the exchange of technical information, ideas and solutions to succeed in the ever-changing electric industry.

  • AENOR - Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification
    AENOR is responsible for developing standards and carrying out standardization and certification operations in Spain. Over 18,000 published standards cover all industrial and service sectors, and are designed to improve quality, competitiveness and environmental protection. Published as UNE or UNE EN standards, they are available in Spanish language print or PDF format. AENOR is also a member of the International and European Standardisation Organisations IEC and ISO, participating in their governing bodies and the work carried out by their technical bodies.

  • AES - Audio Engineering Society
    AES Standards are of interest to record companies, recording studios, television studios, sound reinforcement companies, etc.

  • AFCEN - AFCEN - French Association

  • AGA - American Gas Association
    The American Gas Association, founded in 1918, represents more than 200 local energy companies committed to the safe and reliable delivery of clean natural gas to over 65 million customers. AGA's members account for roughly 83 percent of all natural gas delivered by the nation's local natural gas distribution companies. AGA is an advocate for local natural gas utility companies and provides a broad range of programs and services for member natural gas pipelines, marketers, gatherers, international gas companies and industry associates. Natural gas meets nearly one-fourth of the United States' energy needs.

  • AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association
    Since its founding by nine U.S. gear companies in 1916, the AGMA now represents over 400 companies in 30 countries. Today, AGMA includes technical standards development and business management practices for a global audience. AGMA has long been known for the development of standards for use by the gearing industry. This work is carried out by members within its 25 Technical Committees, addressing all major topics critical to the design, manufacture and application of gears . from load capacity and lubrication to accuracy and inspection. As a member of ISO, AGMA members serve on Technical Advisory Groups that contribute to the development of internal standards on the subject of gearing.

  • AHAM - Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
    AHAM is the leading trade association of the home appliance industry. AHAM develops and maintains technical standards for various appliances to provide uniform, repeatable procedures for measuring specific product characteristics and performance features. AHAM is an ANSI-accredited standards developing organization that is also recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy and other regulatory agencies. In addition to standards, AHAM provides certification programs, business data, technical services, research and government relations.

  • AHP - American Herbal Pharmacopoeia
    The Mission of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) mission is to promote the responsible use of herbal medicines and insure they are used with the highest degree of safety and efficacy as is achievable.

  • AHRI - Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (formerly ARI)
    AHRI is viewed as a resource for industry shipment data, education and workforce information, and research. AHRI is an industry powerhouse, providing our members with one industry voice, both domestically and abroad.

  • AIA - Aerospace Industries Association
    AIA represents the nation's major manufacturers of commercial, military and business aircraft, helicopters, aircraft engines, missiles, spacecraft, materials, and related components and equipment.

  • AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    AIAA is the world¿s largest professional society devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation, space and defense. It serves as an information resource and publisher for aerospace engineers, scientists, managers, policy makers, students, and educators.

  • AICHE - American Institute of Chemical Engineers

  • AIHA - American Industrial Hygiene Association
    The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is one of the largest international associations serving the needs of occupational and environmental health and safety professionals practicing industrial hygiene in industry, government, labor, academic institutions, and independent organizations.

  • AIIM - AIIM International - The Enterprise Content Management Association

  • AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
    The American Institute of Steel Construction is a non-partisan, not-for-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry in the United States. AISC's mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural-steel-related technical and market-building activities, including: specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, and market development.

  • ALI - American Ladder Institute
    ALI is the ANSI-approved developer of standards for ladder safety. These standards contain technical specifications developed and tested by subject experts, which prescribe rules governing the safety of construction, design, testing, care and use of various types of ladders.

  • ALPEMA - Aluminium Plate-fin Heat Exchanger Manufacturers' Association (ALPEMA)
    ALPEMA is the Aluminium Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Manufacturer's Association, which currently represents the world's five major manufacturers of brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers (BAHXs). The ALPEMA Standards are the key reference source for engineers working in any of the principal application areas for BAHXs including process, chemical, mechanical and maintenance engineering. The Standards are also an excellent information tool for purchasing and project management. They apply throughout a project's lifecycle from feasibility studies to commissioning and are a staple for every Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor.

  • AMCA - Air Movement and Control Association
    AMCA International serves the air movement and control industry with certification programs, application manuals, product-rating manuals, test methods and ANSI-approved standards for industrial, commercial, and residential air-handling equipment.

  • ANS - American Nuclear Society
    The core purpose of ANS is to promote the awareness and understanding of the application of nuclear science and technology.

  • ANSI - American National Standards Institute
    ANSI supports the development and approval of national voluntary standards, develops accreditation programs, and serves as U.S. representative to the International Standards Organization (ISO). Members include trade associations, labor unions, professional societies, standards developing organizations, private industry, academe, and government.

  • ANSI/ANSLG - American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group
    ANSI/ANSLG defines requirements and safety specifications for general lighting, as approved by the American National Standards Institute.

  • ANSI/NEMA - American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association
    ANSI/NEMA standards are NEMA publications that have the approval of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

  • ANSI/TCNA - Tile Council of North America, Inc.
    TCNA is a trade association representing manufacturers of ceramic tile, tile installation materials, tile equipment, raw materials, and other tile-related products.

  • ANSI/UAMA - Unified Abrasives Manufacturers' Association
    UAMA was established in 1999 as a non-profit business association that develops standards to support the design and production of abrasives. Technical experts from related industries and UAMA members create and maintain industry standards to ensure the quality of abrasive products.

  • API - American Petroleum Institute
    API is a leader in the development of petroleum and petrochemical equipment and operating standards covering topics that range from drill bits to environmental protection. These embrace proven, sound engineering and operating practices and safe, interchangeable equipment and materials. Many have been incorporated into state and federal regulations and adopted by ISO for worldwide acceptance.

  • APWA - American Public Works Association
    The American Public Works Association (APWA) serves professionals in all aspects of public works--a fact that sets it apart from other organizations and makes it an effective voice of public works throughout North America. With a worldwide membership more than 30,000 strong, APWA includes not only personnel from local, county, state/province, and federal agencies, but also private sector personnel who supply products and services to those professionals.

  • AREMA - American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association
    AREMA standards including the Manual for Railway Engineering (Fixed Properties), and Trackwork Plans. These publications cover items such as: ballast, ties, timber, concrete and steel structures, railway crossings, yards and terminals, waterproofing and maintenance, and track layouts

  • ARINC - Aeronautical Radio Incorporated

  • ARMY - United States Army Publication

  • AS - Standards Australia
    Standards Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organization recognized by the Australian Government as the peak non-government Standards body in Australia. The organization develops internationally aligned Australian Standards that enhance the nation's economic efficiency, international competitiveness and contribution to community demand for a safe and sustainable environment. Standards Australia is the Australian member of ISO and IEC.

  • ASA - Acoustical Society of America Standards
    ASA Standards excels in generating, promoting, and disseminating knowledge and practical applications in the fields of Acoustics, Mechanical Vibration and Shock, Bioacoustics, Animal Bioacoustics, and Noise through the development of national and international standards.

  • ASAE/ASABE - The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
    The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) is an international professional society devoted to agricultural and biological engineering. ASABE serves many functions: it provides a forum for communication of research findings through conferences, scientific journals, and a magazine; it develops standards of practice; it provides opportunities for members to network.

  • ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    ASCE represents more than 140,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is the world's largest publisher of civil engineering information, producing more than 55,000 pages of technical content each year. The Codes and Standards Program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and develops consensus standards on a variety of topics for the civil engineering profession. The Society celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2002.

  • ASD-STAN prEN - ASD-STAN Standardization
    ASD-STAN is an association which establishes, develops and maintains standards on behalf of that European aerospace industry. Over the years, ASD-STAN has established a lean and streamlined standardisation process for European aerospace standards in agreement with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). It is well recognised as the European body for the development of global aerospace standards by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG).

  • ASHE - American Society for Healthcare Engineering
    ASHE is the largest association devoted to optimizing the health care physical environment.

    ASHRAE standards establish consensus for test methods and performance criteria. These include voluntary consensus standards for Method of Measurement or Test, Standard Design and Standard Practice. Consensus standards define minimum values or acceptable performance. ASHRAE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and follows ANSI's requirements for due process and standards development.

  • ASHRAE/Outskirts - Outskirts Press

  • ASIS - ASIS International
    ASIS International is the leading organization for security professionals worldwide. An ANSI-accredited Standards Developing Organization, ASIS works with national and international standards-setting organizations to advance security practices worldwide through the development of standards and guidelines.

  • ASM - ASM International
    ASM International is the preeminent association for engaging and connecting materials professionals and their organizations to the resources necessary to solve problems, improve outcomes, and advance society. As the world's largest and most established materials information society, ASM engages and connects you to a global network of peers and provides access to trusted materials information through reference content and data, education courses, international events, and research.

  • ASME - ASME International
    ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 130,000 members in 158 countries.

  • ASNT - American Society for Nondestructive Testing
    The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is the world's largest technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals. Through organization and membership, ASNT provides a forum for exchange of NDT technical information, NDT educational materials and programs, and standards and services for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. ASNT promotes the discipline of NDT as a profession and facilitates NDT research and technology applications.

  • ASQ - American Society for Quality
    ASQ, the American Society for Quality, is the world's leading authority on quality. The principles of quality influence manufacturing and other industrial processes by focusing attention on how products and services define and meet technical specifications. Quality standards from ASQ advance learning, quality improvement, and knowledge exchange to improve business results, and to create better workplaces and communities worldwide.

  • ASSE (Plumbing) - American Society of Sanitary Engineering
    ASSE International maintains nearly 50 product performance standards, ranging from double check and reduced pressure backflow preventers to dielectric pipe unions, with many more in the development stages. ASSE's product standards are minimum performance requirements for component parts of the plumbing system.

  • ASSP - American Society of Safety Professionals (Formerly ASSE)
    Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is the world's oldest and largest professional safety organization committed to protecting people, property and the environment. ASSE is responsible for several American National Standards Institute (ANSI) committees and leads the way in setting standards for safety in construction, demolition, motor vehicle operations, hazardous energy, fall protection, mold remediation, training and certification.

  • ASTM - ASTM International
    ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 13,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.

  • ATIS - The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
    ATIS brings together leading global organizations in information and communication technology (ICT). Together, they work to advance industry priorities such as cloud services, device solutions, M2M communications, cyber security, network evolution, and more. ATIS is an ANSI-accredited standards organization and a major U.S. contributor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio and Telecommunications sectors.

  • AVIXA - Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association

  • AWC - American Wood Council
    AWC's mission is to increase the use of wood by assuring the broad regulatory acceptance of wood products, developing design tools and guidelines for wood construction and influencing the development of public policies affecting the use of wood products.The American Wood Council (AWC) provides an organizational structure for wood products companies and associations to work together on building codes and standards, green building policy issues, and a focused set of environmental guidelines.

  • AWI - Architectural Woodwork Institute
    The Architectural Woodwork Institute has been the voice of the woodworking industry for more than half a century. Part of AWI's Mission is to create, publish and continually improve the architectural woodwork industry standards.

  • AWPA - American Wood Protection Association
    The American Wood Protection Association (AWPA, formerly the American Wood Preservers' Association) is a non-profit organization responsible for promulgating voluntary wood preservation standards. AWPA Standards are developed by its technical committees in an ANSI-accredited, consensus-based process that involves individuals from all facets of wood preservation: Producers of preservatives and preservative components; producers of treated and untreated wood products; end users of treated wood; engineers, architects and building code officials; government entities, academia, and other groups with a general interest in wood preservation. AWPA's Standards are universally specified for wood preservation in the USA, and are recognized worldwide.

  • AWS - American Welding Society

  • AWWA - American Water Works Association
    AWWA is the world's largest organization of water supply professionals, representing the entire industry spectrum of treatment plant operators and managers, scientists, environmentalists, manufacturers, academicians, regulators, and utilities. AWWA standards cover hundreds of products and procedures.

  • B11 - B11 Standards, Inc.
    B11 Standards, Inc. is ANSI-accredited Standards Developing Organization that administers and develops the ANSI B11 series of American National Standards and Technical Report on machine/machine too/machinery safety. B11 Standards Inc. also participates in a very large number of both national and international standards development activities.

  • BHMA - Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association
    Representing manufacturers of hardware for the commercial building and construction industries, BHMA is the only U.S. organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop and maintain performance standards for architectural hardware.

  • BICSI - BICSI, A Telecommunications Association
    BICSI is the worldwide preeminent source of information, education and knowledge assessment for the constantly evolving information and communications technology (ICT) community. BICSI serves over 23,000 ICT professionals within the design, integration and installation of wired and wireless infrastructure that empower all facets of today?s and tomorrow?s voice, data, and automation networks.

  • BIFMA - Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association
    BIFMA is the trade association for business and institutional furniture manufacturers. Since 1973, BIFMA has been the voice of the commercial furniture industry.

  • BioWorld - Thomson Reuters BioWorld
    BioWorld delivers actionable intelligence on the most innovative drug development science that drives the business, which funds the means to heal disease. With writers and editors stationed around the globe, BioWorld reports the breaking news - and provides key perspective - on hundreds of medicines in development, the companies behind those therapeutic candidates, the business development transactions that evolve the market, and the regulatory hurdles that both challenge and guard the process.

  • BMI - Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization
    MMPDS is recognized throughout the world, and it represents the primary source of statistically based design allowables for metallic materials and fastened joints used in the design of aerospace vehicle structures in the United States.

  • BOMA - Building Owners and Managers Association International
    BOMA International is a primary source of information on building management and operations, development, leasing, building operating costs, energy consumption patterns, local and national building codes, legislation, occupancy statistics, technological developments and other industry trends.

  • BS - BSI Group
    The BSI catalog contains over 50,000 standards in PDF format, of which 31,000 are current. It includes standards of UK origin, European standards from CEN/CENELEC and international standards from ISO and IEC which have been adopted in the UK. BSI standards cover building and civil engineering, materials and chemicals, electrotechnology, consumer products and services, healthcare, management systems and information technology.

  • CAN/CGSB - Canadian General Standards Board
    The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is a federal government organization that offers client-centred, comprehensive standards development and conformity assessment services in support of the economic, regulatory, procurement, health, safety and environmental interests of our stakeholders - government, industry and consumers.

  • CAN/ULC - Underwriters Laboratories of Canada
    ULC tests and certifies products for public safety. It publishes over 180 standards on fire safety and equipment, building materials, electrical products, fire protection equipment, fire resistance, burglar and fire alarm systems, heating and ventilation equipment, and flammable liquids and gases.

  • CEI - Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
    CEI – Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano is a private non-profit Association, responsible at the national level for technical standardization in the field of electrical, electronic, and telecommunications, with direct participation - on mandate from the Italian State - in the corresponding European (CENELEC - Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique) and international (IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission) standardization organizations. Founded in 1909 and recognized by the Italian State and the European Union (European Regulation), the CEI proposes, develops, publishes, and disseminates technical Standards that constitute the reference for the presumption of conformity to the "state of the art" of electrical products, processes, systems, and installations. Italian Law No. 186 of March 1, 1968, indeed establishes that "All materials, equipment, machinery, installations, electrical and electronic systems must be manufactured and built in accordance with the state of the art" and that those "manufactured according to the standards of the Italian Electrotechnical Committee are considered to be built according to the state of the art".

  • CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
    The Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States.

  • CGA - Compressed Gas Association
    CGA publications address a wide range of standards, technical information and recommendations for best practices in the manufacture, storage, transportation, distribution, and use of industrial gases, cryogenic liquids and other products, including gas-handling equipment.

  • CGSB - Canadian General Standards Board
    CGSB publishes more than 1,500 standards used by the Canadian government and recognized by industries worldwide. It also certifies and registers vendors who can demonstrate that their products and services meet nationally recognized standards of quality and performance.

  • CIE - Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
    The International Commission on Illumination - abbreviated as CIE from its French title Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage - is a technical, scientific and cultural organization devoted to the art and science of lighting. CIE publishes Standards, Technical Reports and Recommendations prepared by technical committees, with 100+ publications in print. Joint publications include the IEC/CIE International Lighting Vocabulary and ISO/CIE Standards. CIE has been accepted as representing the best authority on the subject and is recognized by ISO as an international standardization body.

  • CII - Construction Industry Institute
    CII, based at The University of Texas at Austin, is a consortium of more than 130 leading owner, engineering-contractor, and supplier firms from both the public and private arenas. These organizations have joined together to enhance the business effectiveness and sustainability of the capital facility life cycle through CII research, related initiatives, and industry alliances.

  • CIRS - Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science
    The Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science facilitates dialogue and productive discussions in order to promote better understanding of the science that will form the basis for regulatory policy; plays an active and pro-active role in the evolution and harmonisation of international regulatory requirements and approval procedures to act as a catalyst for the adoption of best practice in global regulatory affairs; provides a neutral, professional forum through which peers can meet and share best practice; and pursues research that supports the CIRS mission.

  • CISPR - International Special Committee on Radio Interference
    CISPR's work involves equipment and methods for measuring interference, establishing limits and immunity requirements, and prescribing (in liaison with other IEC technical committees) methods of measuring immunity. The committee also takes account of the impact of safety regulations on interference suppression of electrical equipment.

  • CLSI - Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
    The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is a global, nonprofit, standards-developing organization that promotes the development and use of voluntary consensus standards and guidelines within the healthcare community. For healthcare professionals, CLSI documents offer practical operating guidelines that lead to consistent practices, precision, and efficient use of resources. For industry, they promote effective use of healthcare technologies, and provide cost-and time-saving procedures for product development and approval. For government, these tools streamline the regulatory process. For the entire healthcare community, CLSI documents assure the levels of excellence and consistency that promote improved quality of life.

  • CMAA - Crane Manufacturers Association of America
    CMAA is the Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc., an independent trade association affiliated with the Material Handling Industry. CMAA traces its roots to the Electric Overhead Crane Institute, known as EOCI, which was founded in 1927 by leading crane manufacturers of that time to promote the standardization of cranes as well as uniform quality and performance.

  • CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
    The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is a technical institute and Standards Developing Organization (SDO) that stands as the authoritative resource for information related to steel reinforced concrete construction. CRSI offers many industry-trusted technical publications, standards documents, design aids, reference materials and educational opportunities.

  • CSA - CSA Group
    CSA Group is a global organization dedicated to safety, social good, and sustainability. CSA Group is a leader in Standards Development and in Testing, Inspection and Certification around the world, including Canada, the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The mission of CSA Group's not-for-profit Standards Development Organization is to enhance the lives of people through the advancement of standards in the public and private sectors. The technical and management standards developed with more than 10,000 CSA Group volunteer members help improve safety, health, the environment, and economic efficiency. CSA Group is also a major educator in the application of standards, offering instructor-led training (in-person or virtual), self-paced online courses, personnel certification, and other learning products to meet the needs of standards users.

  • CTA - Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA)
    As an ANSI-accredited standards body, CTA provides essential industry standards that enable interoperability between new products and existing devices. CTA standards can help you navigate the critical trends between technological innovation, marketplace globalization and regulatory reform.

  • CTI - Cooling Technology Institute
    CTI, the Cooling Technology Institute, advocates and promotes the use of environmentally responsible Evaporative Heat Transfer Systems (EHTS) for the benefit of the public by encouraging education, research, standards development and verification, government relations and technical information exchange. CTI publications cover design, manufacture, testing, maintenance and repair of open and closed circuit wet, atmospheric cooling towers, providing cooled water for air-conditioning, manufacturing and electric power generation.

  • DID - Data Item Description
    A Data Item Description is a completed document defining the data deliverables required of a United States Department of Defense contractor. A DID specifically defines the data content, format, and intended use of the data with a primary objective of achieving standardization objectives by the U.S. Department of Defense.

  • DIN - Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V. (German National Standard)
    Through its standards and handbooks, DIN facilitates the international exchange of goods and services and encourages cooperation in the realms of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity. More than 12,000 standards address a wide range of topics.

  • DNV - DNV
    DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating in more than 100 countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise, DNV advances safety and sustainable performance, sets industry standards, and inspires and invents solutions. Whether assessing a new ship design, qualifying technology for a floating wind farm, analysing sensor data from a gas pipeline or certifying a food company’s supply chain, DNV enables its customers and their stakeholders to manage technological and regulatory complexity with confidence. Driven by its purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, DNV helps its customers seize opportunities and tackle the risks arising from global transformations. DNV is a trusted voice for many of the world’s most successful and forward-thinking companies.

  • DOD - Department of Defense
    Standardization documents are developed by the DOD and used for products, materials, and processes that have multiple applications to promote commonality and interoperability among the Military Departments and the Defense Agencies and between the United States and its allies, and to limit the variety of items in the military supply system.

  • DOXPUB - Doxpub, Inc.
    Doxpub creates document templates modeled after those of successful regulated companies to help businesses reduce the record-keeping costs of FDA compliance. In addition to saving time, money and effort, Doxpub customers have the advantage of learning how peer organizations manage fundamental industry issues.


  • ECIA - Electronic Components Industry Association
    The Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) is made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors. ECIA members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components

  • EEC - European Union Directives
    The EU is one of the largest publishers of online information in the world and the hunt for information can seem complex. Every day a huge range of information goes online, including legislation, statistics, press releases, policy reports and more.

  • EEMUA - Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
    The Engineering Equipment & Materials Users Association is a non-profit international membership organisation that exists to serve its member companies. EEMUA aims to improve the safety, environmental and operating performance of industrial facilities in the most cost-effective way, pursuing and promoting leadership in industrial asset management by sharing engineering experiences and expertise, and by the active, enlightened promotion of the distinct interests of users of engineering products.

  • ESD - EOS/ESD Association, Inc.
    Founded in 1982, EOS/ESD Association, Inc. is a professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of electrostatic discharge (ESD) avoidance. From fewer than 100 members, EOS/ESD Association has grown to more than 2,000 members throughout the world. From an initial emphasis of ESD on electronic components, EOS/ESD Association has broadened its horizons to include areas such as textiles, plastics, web processing, cleanrooms, and graphic arts. To meet the needs of a continually changing environment, EOS/ESD Association is chartered to expand ESD awareness through standards, development, education programs, local chapters, publications, tutorials, certification and symposia.

  • ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute
    Representing members from 54 countries, ETSI promotes worldwide standardization in telecommunications, broadcasting and information technology. The work of ETSI is closely aligned with the market needs of network operators, manufacturers, service providers, research institutions, and end users.

  • FCI - Fluid Controls Institute
    FCI is an association of manufacturers of equipment for fluid (liquid or gas) control and conditioning. The institute is organized into product-specific sections that address issues relevant to particular products and/or technologies. These include regulators, secondary pressure drainers, control valves, pipeline strainers, solenoid valves, instruments, steam traps, and safety and relief valves.

  • FED - Federal Specifications and Standards
    Cut hours of search time down to minutes when you order Mil Specs at Techstreet. Get easy checkout, immediate download and free email alerts when changes and reactivations are issued. Online orders even earn Techpoint Rewards! For enterprise access, a web-based subscription serves end-users with automatic updates and desktop tools that help organize and track documents. Get just the sections you need or the entire Mil database. Our Web 2.0 interface is fast and easy to use. Perfect for every department . from research and design to purchasing, bidding and logistics.

  • FM Approvals - FM Approvals
    FM Approvals offers worldwide certification and testing services of industrial and commercial loss prevention products. Recognized and respected across the globe, FM Approvals certification assures customers that a product or service has been objectively tested and conforms to the highest national and international standards.

  • FRPI - Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Institute, Inc.
    The Fiberglass Institute is a non-profit risk mitigation organization providing education, certification, service and membership programs along with supporting publications for industry. These resources help people like you eliminate premature fiberglass chemical process equipment failure risks resulting in longer equipment life, reduced cost and hardship prevention. Since 2003, FRPI programs have filled voids and become acclaimed as best practices by many.

  • GMW - General Motors Worldwide

  • GPA - GPA Midstream Association
    Formerly the Gas Processor's Association, GPA serves the midstream energy industry by providing local, regional and global forums for standards development, industry research, education and improvements in operational safety. Publications include standards and methods for analysis, measurement and sampling of natural gas liquids.

  • HEI - Heat Exchange Institute
    HEI standards are recognized worldwide as the leading standards for heat exchange equipment.

  • HFES - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
    The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, founded in 1957, is the world's largest scientific association for human factors/ergonomics professionals. HFES serves the needs of members and the public by promoting and advancing the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems, products, tools, and environments of all kinds.

  • HI - Hydraulic Institute
    Dedicated to excellence in the engineering, manufacturing and application of pumping equipment, HI standards are intended to eliminate misunderstandings between manufacturers, purchasers and customers. HI Pump Standards are widely used by consultants, contractors, engineering construction firms, manufacturers, libraries and universities, and pump users.

  • HIR - H.I.R. Technical Services
    H.I.R. Technical Services specializes in providing guidance and council for the safe design, fabrication, construction, and inspection of above ground storage tanks of all types.

  • HPS - Health Physics Society
    Excellence in the science and practice of radiation safety

  • I3A - International Imaging Industry Association
    I3A is the central international forum for the development and advancement of open standards and innovations for the worldwide imaging ecosystem. I3A's vision is to enable the use of imaging to simplify and enrich people's lives through visual experiences that connect generations, communities, information and services. I3A brings members together to collaborate on initiatives that generate standards, tools and metrics, drive adoption, foster growth, and open pathways to new markets. I3A is organized into six focused Interest Groups. I3A Interest Group Initiatives enable the rapid development of consortium standards, delivering quick and unique solutions to the market that are unavailable through other processes.

  • IADC - International Association of Drilling Contractors
    Since 1940, IADC has exclusively represented the worldwide oil and gas drilling industry. IADC's mission is to catalyze improved performance for the drilling industry by enhancing operational integrity and championing better regulation to facilitate safer, cleaner and more efficient drilling operations worldwide.

  • IAPMO - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
    The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials is an ANSI-accredited and ISO-certified standards body, with over 200 codes and standards covering plumbing, mechanical, swimming pools, backflow, solar and green energy systems. IAPMO codes help regulate the design, construction and maintenance of the built environment, protecting the health, safety and general welfare of a building's users.

  • IATA - International Air Transport Association
    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world's airlines, representing some 290 airlines or 82% of total air traffic. They support many areas of aviation activity and help formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues.

  • ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
    A specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection. The Organization serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its 191 Member States.

  • ICC - International Code Council
    ICC founders include BOCA, ICBO and SBCCI. ICC works to develop a single, comprehensive, fully coordinated set of national model construction codes. Current ICC standards address a wide range of topics, including codes for international building, plumbing, mechanical systems, and energy conservation.

  • ICEA - Insulated Cable Engineers Association
    The Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) is a professional organization dedicated to developing cable standards for the electric power, control, and telecommunications industries. Since 1925, the objective has been to ensure safe, economical, and efficient cable systems utilizing proven state-of-the-art materials and concepts.

  • ICML - International Council for Machinery Lubrication
    The International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) is a vendor-neutral, not-for-profit organization founded to serve global industry as the world-class authority on machinery lubrication that advances the optimization of asset reliability, utilization and costs.

  • IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
    IEC's activities, collectively known as electrotechnology, cover all electrical, electronic and associated technologies in the areas of power generation, transmission and distribution, medical equipment, semiconductors, fibre optics, nanotechnology and renewable energies. In addition to providing an excellent framework for improving safety and optimizing energy, IEC standards support trade between countries by providing a reference for the functioning of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

    IEEE is the world's largest technical professional society, serving members in computing, electrical engineering and electronics. Comprised of 37 societies and councils, IEEE publishes technical journals, magazines, proceedings, and more than 800 standards.


  • IES - Illuminating Engineering Society
    For over a century, IES (formerly IESNA) has provided services, programs and publications for the lighting community and its consumers. In addition to approximately 100 design guides, technical memoranda and documents, IES develops standards in conjunction with other related organizations.

  • IEST - Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
    The Institute of Environment Sciences and Technology (IEST) is the preeminent, non-profit, technical association for professionals in the field of Contamination Control/Cleanrooms, Environmental Testing, or Nanotechnology Facilities.

  • IFI - Industrial Fasteners Institute
    The Industrial Fasteners Institute's mission is to represent the North American fastener manufacturers to its suppliers, customers, the government, and the public at large to advance the competitiveness, products, and innovative technology of the IFI Member Companies in a global marketplace. The IFI technical staff are active in all national and international fastener standards developers and provide those organizations insights into fastener manufacturing to keep standards practical and purposeful.

  • IICRC - The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification
    The IICRC is a certification and Standards Developing Organization (SDO) non-profit organization for the inspection, cleaning and restoration industries. In partnership with regional and international trade associates, the IICRC serves more than 25 countries with offices in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

  • INCITS - InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (formerly NCITS)
    The InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) is the forum of choice for information technology developers, producers and users for the creation and maintenance of formal de jure IT standards. INCITS is accredited by, and operates under rules approved by, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These rules are designed to ensure that voluntary standards are developed by the consensus of directly and materially affected interests. INCITS is sponsored by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), a trade association representing the leading U.S. providers of information technology products and services. ITI members employ more than one million people in the United States and in 2000, their revenues exceeded $668 billion worldwide.

  • IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries
    IPC serves more than 2,300 member companies worldwide involved in designing, manufacturing, specifying and/or using printed circuit boards. Approximately 200 standards, guidelines and technical reports cover topics ranging from design and printed circuit board manufacturing to electronics assembly and testing.

  • ISA - The International Society of Automation
    Founded in 1945, The International Society of Automation is a leading, global, nonprofit organization that is setting the standard for automation by helping over 30,000 worldwide members and other professionals solve difficult technical problems, while enhancing their leadership and personal career capabilities. Based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, ISA develops standards; certifies industry professionals; provides education and training; publishes books and technical articles; and hosts the largest conference and exhibition for automation professionals in the Western Hemisphere. ISA is the founding sponsor of The Automation Federation (

  • ISEA - International Safety Equipment Association
    ISEA, the International Safety Equipment Association, is an ANSI-accredited standards developing organization whose member companies are world leaders in the design and manufacturer of protective clothing and equipment used in factories, construction sites, hospitals and clinics, farms, schools, laboratories, emergency response and in the home. ISEA is represented on technical committees at ANSI, NFPA, ASTM, CSA and ISO, and they provide counsel to regulatory bodies, including NIOSH, MSHA and OSHA.

  • ISO - International Organization for Standardization
    ISO is a global federation of national standards bodies from approximately 100 countries. Today, ISO standards are accepted worldwide as the method by which manufacturers and service providers can achieve maximum convenience and efficiency in the exchange of goods and services.

  • ISPE - International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
    ISPE provides education, training, forums, and technical documents for professionals in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The Society publishes best-practice guides on a wide array of topics, including bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, sterile manufacturing facilities, commissioning and qualification, biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, and technology transfer.

  • ISTA - International Safe Transit Association
    The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) is an organization focused on the specific concerns of transport packaging and our mission is to develop and deliver standards, educational programs and tools for the economic, social and environmental optimization of packaging systems. ISTA pioneered the concept of package performance testing and certification over 60 years ago and today our test procedures, standards and certification programs are at the forefront of Responsible Transport Packaging.

  • ISUZU - Isuzu Motors Ltd.
    Moving the World - for You

  • JEDEC - JEDEC Solid State Technology Association
    JEDEC is the global leader in developing open standards for the microelectronics industry. With over 4,000 volunteers representing nearly 300 member companies. JEDEC brings manufacturers and suppliers together on 50 different committees, creating standards to meet the diverse technical and developmental needs of the industry. These collaborations ensure product interoperability, benefiting the industry and ultimately consumers by decreasing time-to-market and reducing product development costs.

  • JIS - Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association
    JIS covers industrial and mineral products, comparable to standards established by various industrial associations for specific needs, or standards established and used by companies (operation manuals, products specifications etc.). The need for common practices in companies of the same industrial sector leads to the establishment of industrial association standards, and the same need in terms of wider applications promotes the establishment of JIS.

  • LIA - Laser Institute of America
    Laser Institute of America, founded in 1968, is the professional society for laser applications and safety. Our mission is to foster lasers, laser applications, and laser safety worldwide. LIA cultivates innovation, ingenuity and inspiration to promote the continued growth and safe use of laser applications.

  • MBMA - Metal Building Manufacturers Association
    MBMA provides leadership, research, and education that increase the prominence and usage of metal building systems as the premier solution for performance, aesthetics, and sustainability in building construction.

  • MCGRAW-HILL - McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

  • MIL - Military Specifications and Standards
    Cut hours of search time down to minutes when you order Mil Specs at Techstreet. Get easy checkout, immediate download and free email alerts when changes and reactivations are issued. Online orders even earn Techpoint Rewards! For enterprise access, a web-based subscription serves end-users with automatic updates and desktop tools that help organize and track documents. Get just the sections you need or the entire Mil database. Our Web 2.0 interface is fast and easy to use. Perfect for every department: from research and design to purchasing, bidding and logistics.

  • MPIF - Metal Powder Industries Federation
    The Metal Powder Industries Federation is a federation of six trade associations representing various aspects of powder metallurgy (PM), metal powders, and particulate materials. MPIF's mission is to advance the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries.

  • MSS - Manufacturers Standardization Society
    MSS is the only organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the technical needs of the valve and fittings industry. Standards and codes are written and revised by 25 technical committees and address topics such as valves, valve actuators, pipe fittings, flanges, and pipe hangers.

  • NAAMM - National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
    Since 1938, the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) has represented a wide variety of architectural metal products for building construction. NAAMM currently has six operating divisions, which promote the use of their specific products through the development and distribution of technical standards.

  • NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers
    Formerly the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, NACE International represents members from 92 countries and is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the study of corrosion. NACE works to protect people, infrastructure, the environment, and the economy from the effects of corrosion by promoting engineering and research. Approximately 100 standards cover subjects such as laboratory corrosion testing, corrosion prevention and blast cleaning.

  • NADCA - National Air Duct Cleaners Association
    NADCA: The HVAC Inspection, Maintenance and Restoration Association, otherwise known as the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) was formed in 1989 as a non-profit association of companies engaged in the cleaning of HVAC systems. NADCA's mission has expanded to include representation of qualified companies engaged in the inspection, cleaning and restoration of HVAC systems. NADCA standards and certification are specified on a regular basis to ensure HVAC systems are assessed, cleaned, and restored in a safe and efficient manner.

  • NAS - Aerospace Industries Association - National Aerospace Standard
    The National Aerospace Standards (NAS) are voluntary standards developed by the aerospace industry. Subject matter experts from AIA member companies participate in committees and working groups to develop and maintain the NAS library. The NAS parts are most well-known for state-of-the-art, high strength, precision fasteners, electrical connectors, splices and terminations, rod end bearings, and many other types of hardware and components.

  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • NBBI - National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
    The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors was founded in 1919 to promote greater safety to life and property through uniformity in the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and inspection of pressure equipment. Publisher of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), this American National Standard has been adopted by most states and cities, all Canadian provinces, and federal regulatory agencies including the US Department of Transportation. It is the only standard recognized worldwide for in-service inspection repairs and alterations of boilers and pressure vessels.

  • NCSL - National Conference of Standards Laboratories International
    NCSL International is a member based and volunteer driven Professional Trade Organization. NCSL International provides the best opportunities for the world's measurement science professionals to network and exchange information, to promote measurement education and skill development and to develop a means to resolve measurement challenges. NCSL International membership is open to any organization or individual with an interest in the science of measurement and its application in research, development, education, or commerce.

  • NECA - National Electrical Contractors Association
    The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) is the voice of the electrical construction industry. A trade organization founded in 1901, NECA contractors set industry standards for traditional and integrated electrical systems and leads the industry in the practical application of new technologies. NECA aims to protect the public while making electrical innovation possible.

  • NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
    NEMA is the largest U.S. trade organization representing manufacturers of products used in the generation, transmission, distribution, control, and end-use of electricity. Many of NEMA's 350+ standards have been approved as American National Standards or adopted by the federal government.

  • NETA - International Electrical Testing Association
    The InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) is an organization that serves the electrical testing industry by offering accreditation of third-party electrical testing firms, certifying electrical testing technicians, and producing American National Standards.

  • NFPA (Fire) - National Fire Protection Association
    As the world's largest and most influential fire safety organization, NFPA publishes approximately 300 codes and standards intended to prevent the loss of life and property. Members include more than 66,000 fire safety professionals.

  • NFPA (Fluid) - National Fluid Power Association
    NFPA helps to increase the number of technically trained people capable of integrating and applying fluid power. The focus of NFPA's standards programs is on developing International Standards for the global marketplace, especially in the areas of design for interchangeability, testing, rating methods, safety, communications and calibration.

  • NFSI - National Floor Safety Institute

  • NGA - National Glass Association
    NGA was founded in 1948. In 2018, the association combined with the Glass Association of North America (GANA) to create the largest trade association serving our industry. Our 1,700 member companies include glazing contractors, full-service glass companies, glass and metal fabricators, primary glass manufacturers and glass building product suppliers.

  • NISO - National Information Standards Organization
    NISO is where content publishers, libraries, and software developers turn for information industry standards that allow them to work together. Through NISO, all of these communities are able to collaborate on mutually accepted standards - solutions that enhance their operations today and form a foundation for the future.

    The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety, value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore, NORSOK standards are as far as possible intended to replace oil company specifications and serve as references in the authorities regulations.

  • NRC - National Research Council Canada
    The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is the Government of Canada's premier research and technology organization. NRC works with clients and partners to provide innovation support, strategic research and scientific and technical services.

  • NSC - Natural Stone Council
    The Natural Stone Council is a collaboration of businesses and trade associations that have joined forces to promote the use of natural stone in commercial, residential, government, institutional, educational and all types of applications interior and exterior.

  • NSF - NSF
    Dedicated to research, education, testing, certification, and service, NSF International (formerly the National Sanitation Foundation), develops standards and criteria for health-related equipment, products and services worldwide. The organization also assists companies preparing for ISO 9000 and 14000 registration.

  • NZS - Standards New Zealand

  • OPEI - Outdoor Power Equipment Institute
    The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) is an international trade association representing more than 100 small engine, utility vehicle and outdoor power equipment manufacturers and suppliers. OPEI is a recognized Standards Development Organization for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and active internationally through the International Standards Organization (ISO) in the development of safety and performance standards for outdoor power equipment.

  • PCI - Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
    Founded in 1954, the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) is the technical institute and trade association for the precast/prestressed concrete structures industry. As a technical institute, PCI develops, maintains, and disseminates the Body of Knowledge for the design, fabrication, and erection of precast concrete structures and systems.

  • PDA - Parenteral Drug Association
    The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is the leading global provider of science, technology and regulatory information and education for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical community.

  • PEI - Petroleum Equipment Institute
    The Petroleum Equipment Institute is a trade association whose members manufacture, distribute and service petroleum marketing and liquid-handling equipment. Founded in 1951, PEI represents more than 1,600 member companies located in all 50 states and more than 80 countries. Members include manufacturers, sellers and installers of equipment used in service stations, terminals, bulk plants, fuel, oil and gasoline delivery, and similar petroleum marketing operations.

  • PIA - Parachute Industry Association
    PIA’s mission is to advance and support the growth, development, training and safety of parachuting activities and engage and serve participants in the parachuting industry.

  • PIP - Process Industry Practices
    Process Industry Practices from PIP help increase the value of the engineering/ procurement/ construction process for the U.S. process industry and enhance compliance with safety, health and environmental objectives. PIP practices harmonize standards across the following engineering disciplines: Civil/Structural/Architectural, Coatings/Insulation/Refractory, Machinery, Electrical, P&ID, Piping, Process Control/Analyzers, and Vessels.

  • PPI - Plastics Pipe Institute
    The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) is the major trade association representing all segments of the plastics piping industry. PPI members share a common interest in broadening awareness and creating opportunities that expand market share and extend the use of plastics pipe in all its many applications. As an association, PPI focuses collaborative efforts to accumulate data, concentrate facts and target resources toward advancements in applications and increases in widespread usage.

  • RIA-A3 - A3, Association For Advancing Automation
    A3 is North America's largest automation trade association representing more than 1,100 organizations involved in robotics, artificial intelligence, machine vision & imaging, motion control & motors and related automation technologies.

  • RTCA - Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
    RTCA works with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to develop comprehensive, industry-vetted and endorsed standards that can be used as means of compliance with FAA regulations.

  • SAE - SAE International
    SAE standards are internationally recognized for their role in helping ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of products and services across the mobility engineering industry. They contain detailed production and interoperability guidelines; clarify legal and regulatory grey areas; condense product development cycles; ensure consistency and high quality in manufacturing; and lead the way to maximum performance.

  • SAIA - Scaffold and Access Industry Association
    SIA is the ANSI-approved developer of standards for the scaffold and access industry. SIA standards contain technical specifications developed and tested by scaffold experts, which prescribe rules governing the safety, construction, design, testing, care and use of various types of scaffolds.

  • SCTE - Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers
    SCTE standards cover a wide range of industry needs --- from F connectors to protocols for high-speed data access over cable. SCTE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), recognized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and works in cooperation with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

  • SDI - Steel Door Institute
    The Steel Door Institute (SDI) was established in 1954 as a voluntary, non-profit business association that develops quality and performance standards for steel doors and frames.

  • SES - The Society for Standards Professionals
    SES was founded in 1947 as the Standards Engineering Society, a not-for-profit professional membership society dedicated to furthering the knowledge and use of standards and standardization. SES provides a neutral forum where standards users and developers can come together to address mutual issues, opportunities, and interests in ways that work to the benefit of everyone involved with, or affected by, standards. SES members are primarily involved in the development, application, and use of company, government, national, regional, and international standards.

  • SIA - Security Industry Association
    An ANSI-accredited standards developer, the Security Industry Association (SIA) creates standards that are open, enable easy integration of diverse components, and provide a means to establish predictable levels of performance. Participants shape the future of the industry, acquire industry intelligence, and enable rapid acceptance of products in new markets.

  • SJI - Steel Joist Institute
    The Steel Joist Institute, a nonprofit organization of active joist manufacturers and other individuals and entities connected to the industry, was founded in 1928 to address the lack of uniform joist standards within the industry. In addition to setting standards and developing regulations for the steel joist industry, the Institute invests thousands of dollars in ongoing research and offers a complete library of training and research aids. The Institute also holds continuing education seminars, provides technical information and promotes the use of steel joists through a national communications program.

  • SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association
    SMACNA is the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association. As an ANSI-accredited standards developing organization, SMACNA standards and manuals address all facets of the sheet metal industry, from duct construction and installation to air pollution control, energy recovery and roofing. The voluntary technical standards and manuals developed by SMACNA contractors have found worldwide acceptance by the construction community, as well as foreign government agencies.

  • SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
    SME has been supporting the manufacturing industry for the last 85 years. Working closely with manufacturing professionals, companies, educators, schools and communities, we share knowledge and resources that generate solutions to manufacturing industry challenges.

  • SMPTE - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
    The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) was founded in 1916 to advance theory and development in the motion imaging field. Today, SMPTE serves its members with the latest technology information and education on a rapidly changing industry. SMPTE also is an accredited and globally-respected industry standards-setting body. As the leading technical society for the motion imaging industry, SMPTE is shaping the future of the constantly evolving content business.

  • SN EN - Standards Norway EN

  • SPC - Standards Press of China

  • SPI - Society of the Plastics Industry
    Society of the Plastics Industry is a professional society representing individuals in the plastics industry. PLASTICS members represent the entire plastics industry supply chain in the U.S., including processors, machinery and equipment manufacturers, raw materials suppliers, recyclers and brand owners.

  • SSPC - Society for Protective Coatings
    The Society for Protective Coatings is the leading source of information on surface preparation, coating selection and application, environmental regulations, and health and safety issues that affect the protective coatings industry.

  • STI/SPFA - Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association
    STI/SPFA provides a wide range of services to industry-leading suppliers and fabricators of steel tanks, pressure vessels, specialty products and piping for the petroleum, chemical, food and water storage industries.

  • TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
    TAPPI is the leading technical association for the worldwide pulp, paper, packaging, and converting industries. TAPPI Test Methods and Technical Information Papers (TIPs) provide the most comprehensive collection of reliable technical information in the paper processing industry.

  • TEMA - Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
    The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, Inc. (TEMA) is trade association of leading manufacturers of shell and tube heat exchangers, who have pioneered the research and development of heat exchangers for over sixty years.

  • TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association
    The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) - the trusted association for the connected world, represents more than 400 organizations that enable high-speed communication networks and accelerate next-generation technology innovation. As a member-driven organization, TIA advocates for our industry in the U.S. and internationally, develops critical standards, manages technology programs, and improves business performance, all to advance trusted global connectivity. TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

  • TMS - The Masonry Society
    The Masonry Society is an international gathering of people interested in the art and science of masonry. We are a professional, technical, and educational association dedicated to the advancement of knowledge on masonry. TMS members are design engineers, architects, builders, researchers, educators, building officials, material suppliers, manufacturers, and others who want to contribute to and benefit from the global pool of knowledge on masonry.

  • UL - Underwriters Laboratories
    UL Standards & Engagement translates scientific discoveries into standards and policies that have the power to make a systemic impact on public safety throughout the world. Distinguished by our independent research and informed foresight, we've been driving cutting-edge science into practical standards since 1903. Our extensive library of standards helps to make everyday things safer, more secure, and more sustainable, from life jackets to batteries to autonomous cars. It’s a mission we pursue across the globe. We partner with leading minds and national standards bodies around the world to draw upon an ever-growing body of scientific knowledge from UL Research Institutes and global experts. Together, we're creating a dynamic road map to a safer future.

  • ULC - Underwriters Laboratories of Canada
    ULC Standards has been publishing standards for Canadians for over 60 years. As one of the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDO), we operate under the consensus-based principles as required by the SCC under the Requirements & Guidance – Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations. ULC Standards is also a signatory to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Technical Barrier to Trade Agreement, which outlines in Annex 3 the Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.

  • UOP - UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company
    Over 300 analytical methods and procedures support the installation, implementation, maintenance and safe operation of UOP-licensed processes. These test methods are a valuable resource to help users analyze feedstocks and various process streams. Considered an industry standard in its own right, they supplement ASTM, API, and other important industry standards and publications.

  • WRC - Welding Research Council, Inc.
    The Welding Research Council, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit scientific research corporation, brings to bear in the solution of problems in welding and pressure vessel technology the talents of diverse science and engineering specialists. They exchange knowledge, share perspectives, and develop and guide R & D activities. As needed, the Council organizes and manages cooperative programs to advance codes and standards. Also incorporates the Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC) and Materials Properties Council (MPC)

  • X9 - Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated
    In 1974, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved the scope of activity for the X9 Standards Committee on Banking, as "Standardization for Facilitating Banking Operations." Today, the Accredited Standards Committee X9 (ASC X9, Inc.) operates 5 technical subcommittees and 20-30 technical working groups that develop financial industry standards and guidelines. ASC X9 standards are widely used and cited or required by the Federal government for use in financial procedures and transactions. In addition, X9 standards are the basis for many international standards used in facilitating global commerce.