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This Information Paper examines how government targets for carbon dioxide reduction can act as a driver for economic regeneration. It provides recommendations to regeneration professionals on the opportunities and pitfalls of delivering low-carbon regeneration projects, as well as best practice case studies of projects in the UK and Europe. Targets for reducing carbon emissions can be a driver for economic regeneration and a more sustainable approach to construction and the built environment can create 'green jobs' - strengthening the construction sector while addressing social issues such as fuel poverty and unemployment. Examples of successful regeneration from Europe demonstrate the links between energy/emission reductions and social improvements, and highlight the most effective interventions. Contents: Introduction Background Lessons learned from case studies - Austria: Energy independence through biomass (Reasons why this was so successful. Things that, if done differently, would not have provided the same level of benefit) - Germany: Improved energy efficiency through refurbishment (Reasons why this was so successful. Things that, if done differently, would not have provided the same level of benefit) Maximising opportunities through regeneration UK Strategies - Cornwall - low-carbon economic area (Why should this work?) - Heads of the Valleys - low-carbon zone (Why should this work?) Conclusions References