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Track: Commissioning: Optimizing New and Existing Buildings and their Operation
Sponsor: 7.6 Building Energy Performance
Chair: Annie Smith, Associate Member, Ross & Baruzzini, St. Louis, MO
This seminar dives deep into evaluating the options for a replacement chiller retrofit. Options were evaluated using a feasibility study, a data-driven energy model, lifecycle cost analysis and detailed trend analysis. After installation, controls optimization strategies were used to bring further value to the project to ensure proper efficient operation and energy savings. Lessons learned concerning construction oversight, performance-based commissioning and the approach to the controls optimization are presented.

1. Case Study: Critically Evaluating Replacement Chiller Options beyond Lifecycle Cost Analysis
Edmund Wong, P.E., Associate Member, Arup, Los Angeles, CA
This presentation covers the approach, methodology and lessons learned of a performance-based chiller retrofit project. The performance evaluation included a life-cycle cost assessment of replacement options that involved a data-driven energy model and an accurate understanding of the baseline energy consumption in the existing condition through a building survey and detailed trend analysis. Lessons learned from construction oversight and performance-based commissioning is also presented.

2. Post Chiller Retrofit: Ongoing Optimization Strategies for Continuous Improvement
Jeff Landreth, P.E., BEAP and CPMP, Associate Member, tk1sc, Los Angeles, CA
The presentation covers the value of integrating ongoing controls optimization strategies as part of major retro-commissioning and retrofit projects. The presentation also follows up on the previous performance-based chiller retrofit project and how ongoing optimization strategies were implemented to further increase the value and energy savings of the retrofit project. This presentation includes the overall approach, methodology, results and lessons learned throughout this process, as well as provides an overall framework and approach to the controls optimization process for existing buildings

Presented: June 27, 2017, 9:45-10:45 AM
Run Time
: 60 min.

This is a zip file that consists of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) for each presentation.